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Terms of Use


All of the silent film titles that appear in the lists on Finding Silents can be used for reference. If a translated title is used (Example: La Ley del Revólver/Gun Law (1929, USA). With Tom Tyler and Ethlyn Claire.), credit must be given to the site; a link to the list page where the user discovered the translated title is appreciated.

None of the lists that appear on Finding Silents are to be sold, licensed or marketed by users of this website. Likewise, no lists that appear on Finding Silents are to be distributed to a third party in any manner. None of the lists that appear on this site may be reproduced on another site. If a user wishes to link back to a list, please contact the administrator of this website here first.

Finding Silents is a work in progress; film booklet titles and their translations will be added as they are discovered. Issue numbers without a silent film title will be marked as being a Sound Film upon its original release.

All images on this site are from my silent film collection and may not be reused without express permission from me.



Finding Silents

Copyright 2021-2024, M. Haberstroh.

No part of this website including the lists may be reproduced in any format.