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La Novela Femenina Cinematográfica

A total of 136 titles were published in this series.

Entries marked with:

* Denotes the USA silent film is still lost.
** Denotes a silent film short.
*** Denotes a silent film serial.

4. La Orfandad de Chiquilín/Daddy (1923, USA). With Jackie Coogan, Arthur Edmund Carewe and Josie Sedgwick.

5. Sin Rumbo/Steuerlos/Rudderless (1924, Germany). With Maria Jacobini and Rosa Valetti.

6. Una Niña a la Moderna/Flaming Youth (1923, USA). With Colleen Moore and Milton Sills.

8. El Egoísmo de los Hombres/Guilty of Love (1920, USA). With Dorothy Dalton and Henry Carvill.*

11. Esposas Sin Amor/The Lotus Eater (1921, USA). With John Barrymore, Colleen Moore and Anna Q. Nilsson.*

12. El Ciclón/The Roaring Road (1919, USA). With Wallace Reid and Ann Little.

13. La Eterna Lucha/The Eternal Struggle (1923, USA). With Barbara La Marr and Pat O'Malley.

14. Malva/Malva (1924, Germany). With Lya de Putti and Hans Adalbert Schlettow.

15. Mentira Amorosa/Loving Lies (1924, USA). With Evelyn Brent and Monte Blue.*

16. La Ciudad del Silencio/The City of Silent Men (1921, USA). With Lois Wilson and Thomas Meighan.*

17. Princesa de Bronce/Behold My Wife (1920, USA). With Mabel Julienne Scott and Milton Sills.*

18. La Chispa/Bill Henry (1919, USA). With Charles Ray and Edith Roberts.

19. Oh, Mujeres, Mujeres!.../Daytime Wives (1923, USA). With Grace Darmond and Wyndham Standing.

22. Juego de la Novia/The Bride's Play (1922, USA). With Marion Davies and John B. O'Brien.

23. Pasó la Juventud/Conrad in Quest of His Youth (1920, USA). With Thomas Meighan and Mabel Van Buren.

25. Gracias a Ellas/Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1921, USA). With Sam Hardy and Doris Kenyon*

27. Eclipse se Estrellas/Your Friend and Mine (1923, USA). With Anita Stewart and Oscar Shaw.*

28. La Justicia del Zar/Im Namen des Kaisers/In the Name of the Kaisers (1925, Germany). With Lya de Putti and Hermann Vallentin.

29. El Error de una Madre/A Romantic Adventuress (1920, USA). With Dorothy Dalton and Charles Meredith.

31. La Nieta del Bohemio/Lucette (1924, France). With René Poyen and Bouboule.

34. El Vino/Wine (1924, USA). With Clara Bow and Forrest Stanley.*

37. Irresistible Lulú/Miss Lulu Bett (1921, USA). With Lois Wilson and Milton Sills.

38. Tin-Tin de Mi Corazón/Peg O' My Heart (1922, USA). With Laurette Taylor and Mahlon Hamilton.

40. Cada Oveja con Su Pareja/The Man from Home (1922, UK). With James Kirkwood and Anna Q. Nilsson.

42. Victoria's Femeninas/Her Winning Way (1921, USA). With Mary Miles Minter and Gaston Glass.*

43. Papá Ricardo/The Bachelor Daddy (1922, USA). With Thomas Meighan and Leatrice Joy.*

44. Firme Como el Acero/True as Steel (1924, USA). With Aileen Pringle and Huntley Gordon.

45. La Niña "Bien"/Enchantment (1921, USA). With Marion Davies and Forrest Stanley.

46. Estrategia Femenina/Don't Tell Everything (1921, USA). With Gloria Swanson and Wallace Reid.*

47. Heredad Maldita/Romance Ranch (1924, USA). With John Gilbert and Virginia Brown Faire.

48. Como Nace una Pasión/Volcano (1926, USA). With Bebe Daniels and Ricardo Cortez.

49. Mujer, Guarda tu Corazón/Three Women (1924, USA). With May McAvoy and Lew Cody.

50. Revelación/Revelation (1924, USA). With Viola Dana and Monte Blue.

51. La Señorita Medianoche/Mademoiselle Midnight (1924, USA). With Mae Murray and John St. Polis.

52. La Mujer Perfecta/The Average Woman (1924, USA). With Harrison Ford and Pauline Garon.

53. Su Jaula Dorada/Her Gilded Cage (1922, USA). With Gloria Swanson and Harrison Ford.*

54. La Condesa de Brese/The Rustle of Silk (1923, USA). With Betty Compson and Conway Tearle.*

55. El Despertar de la Ciudad/Waking Up the Town (1925, USA). With Norma Shearer and Jack Pickford.

56. Cuidado con los Amigos!/Your Friend and Mine (1923, USA). With Enid Bennett and Huntley Gordon.*

58. Veraneo Economico/The Speed Girl (1921, USA). With Bebe Daniels and Walter Hiers.*

60. La Tentación de Lujo/Sheltered Daughters (1921, USA). With Justine Johnstone, Riley Hatch and Charles K. Gerrard.*

63. El Mundo No Perdona/Infatuation (1925, USA). With Percy Marmont and Malcolm McGregor.

64. No Desconfíes de Tu Marido/Don't Doubt Your Husband (1924, USA). With Viola Dana and Allan Forrest.

65. El Precio de la Vanidad/Vanity's Price (1924, USA). With Anna Q. Nilsson and Stuart Holmes.*

66. El Último Sueño/Ultimo Sogno (1924, Italy). With Francesca Bertini and Mario Parpagnoli.

67. Nanón/Nanon (1924, Germany). With Agnes Esterhazy and Harry Liedtke.

68. Una Muchacha Rebelde/Don't (1925, USA). With Sally O'Neil and John Patrick.*

71. Cásate, Tom!/Woman-Proof (1923, USA). With Thomas Meighan and Lila Lee.*

74. Donde Estuve Yo?/Where Was I? (1925, USA). With Reginald Denny and Marian Nixon.

75. Nadie Sabe lo que Quiere/Painted People (1924, USA). With Colleen Moore and Ben Lyon.*

77. Juventud Victoriosa/Youth to Youth (1922, USA). With Billie Dove and Edythe Chapman.*

78. Calabazas/Some Pun'kins (1925, USA). With Charles Ray and Duane Thompson.

80. Amor Audaz/Daring Love (1924, USA). With Elaine Hammerstein, Huntley Gordon and Gertrude Astor.

82. La Historia de Muchas/Just Around the Corner (1921, USA). With Margaret Seddon, Lewis Sargent, and Sigrid Holmquist.

83. Segunda Juventud/Only 38 (1923, USA). With Lois Wilson, May McAvoy and Elliott Dexter.*

84. Secretos del Oriente/Dark Secrets (1923, USA). With Dorothy Dalton and Robert Ellis.*

85. Mujer y el Bruto/Lorraine of the Lions (1925, USA). With Norman Kerry and Patsy Ruth Miller.

86. Una Joven Moderna/Nice People (1922, USA). With Bebe Daniels and Conrad Nagel.*

87. La Ciudad Prohibida/The Forbidden City (1918, USA). With Norma Talmadge and Thomas Meighan.

89. La Bailarina del Broadway/Broadway Gold (1923, USA). With Elaine Hammerstein and Elliott Dexter.*

90. Agonía en un Submarino/Nitchevo (1926, France). With Charles Vanel and Lillian Hall-Davis.

91. La Fugitiva/The Runaway (1926, USA). With Clara Bow and Warner Baxter.*

92. Doloretes (1923, Spain). With Elisa Ruiz Romero and Manuel San Germán.

93. Reclutas a Retaguardia/Behind the Front (1926, USA). With Wallace Beery, Raymond Hatton and Mary Brian.

94. Irene/Irene (1926, USA). With Colleen Moore and George K. Arthur.

95. El Idealista/Worldly Goods (1924, USA). With Agnes Ayres and Pat O'Malley.

96. Paris a Medoia Noche/Paris at Midnight (1926, USA). With Lionel Barrymore, Edmund Burns and Jetta Goudal.

97. De Telón Adentro/The Song and Dance Man (1926, USA). With Harrison Ford, Bessie Love and Tom Moore.

98. El Camino del Arte/Der Demütige und die Tänzerin/Her Fateful Marriage (1925, Germany). With Georg Baselt, Paul Bildt and Lil Dagover.

99. Los Jinetes del Correo/The Pony Express (1925, USA). With Ricardo Cortez and Betty Compton.

100. Fígaro en Sociedad/A Social Celebrity (1926, USA). With Adolphe Menjou and Louise Brooks.*

101. En Pública Subasta/The Auction Block (1926, USA). With Charles Ray and Eleanor Boardman.*

102. Sin Hogar Y Sin Rumbo/The Dixie Merchant (1926, USA). With Madge Bellamy and Jack Mulhall.

103. Amor al Vuelo/That's My Baby (1926, USA). With Douglas MacLean and Margaret Morris.

105. El 13 de la Suerte/The Lucky Devil (1925, USA). With Richard Dix and Esther Ralston.

106. Orquídea, la Modelo/Mannequin (1926, USA). With Alice Joyce and Warner Baxter.

107. Viejo Gruñón/Grumpy (1923, USA). With Conrad Nagel and May McAvoy.

108. El Zapatito Encantado/Der Verlorene Schuh/The Lost Shoe (1923, Germany). With Mady Christians and Paul Hartmann.

109. Intrigas de Mujer/Meddling Women (1924, USA). With Lionel Barrymore and Sigrid Holmquist.

110. Aguas Prohibidas/Forbidden Waters (1926, USA). With Priscilla Dean and Walter MacGrail.

111. Contrabandista de Amor/The Tomboy (1924, USA). With Herbert Rawlinson and Dorothy Devore.

112. Amor y Toque de Clarines/Liebe und Trompetenblasen/Love and Trumpets (1925, Germany). With Lilian Harvey and Harry Liedtke.

114. Pies de Arcilla/Feet of Clay (1924, USA). With Rod La Rocque and Vera Reynolds.*

115. El Regalo de Boda/Paths to Paradise (1925, USA). With Betty Compson and Raymond Griffith.

116. Sangre y Acero/Blood and Steel (1925, USA). With Helen Holmes and William Desmond.

118. La Muchacha Bohemia/The Bohemian Girl (1922, UK). With Gladys Cooper and Ivor Novello.

120. Drama en Alta Mar/Those Who Dare (1924, USA). With Marguerite De La Motte, John Bowers and Joseph J. Dowling.*

122. Esposas, Alerta!/When Husbands Flirt (1925, USA). With Dorothy Revier and Forrest Stanley.

123. Si Yo Fuera Reina!/If I Were Queen (1922, USA). With Ethel Clayton and Andree Lejon.*

124. Su Único Amor/Parisian Love (1925, USA). With Clara Bow and Donald Keith.

125. Flor Salvaje/L'éveil (1925, France). With France Dhélia and Georges Lannes.

126. El Anillo Nupcial/With This Ring (1925, USA). With Alyce Mills, Forrest Stanley and Lou Tellegen.

128. Maniquí Parisiense/Fifty-Five (1925, USA). With Hope Hampton, Lionel Barrymore and Louise Glaum.*

129. Cual Era Su Marido?/Back to Life (1925, USA). With Patsy Ruth Miller and David Powell.

130. Justicia Antigua/Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924, USA). With Jack Holt and Billie Dove.*

131. Hay Que Sonreír!/Keep Smiling (1925, USA). With Monty Banks and Anne Cornwall.

133. Olvidar y Renacer/Forgive and Forget (1923, USA). With Estelle Taylor and Pauline Garon.

134. Viuda de Nadie/Nobody's Widow (1927, USA). With Leatrice Joy and Charles Ray.

135. La Copa de Felicidad/The Magic Cup (1921, USA). With Constance Binney and Vincent Coleman.*

136. Una Mujer Para Veinticuatro Horas/Die Frau für 24 Stunden (1925, Germany). With Lotte Neumann and Harry Liedtke.


Finding Silents

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