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Biblioteca Trebol

A total of 112 titles were published in this series.

Entries marked with:

* Denotes the USA silent film is still lost.
** Denotes a silent film short.
*** Denotes a silent film serial.

1. El Último Varón Sobre la Tierra/The Last Man on Earth (1924, USA). With Earle Foxe and Grace Cunard.

2. El Poder del que Es Honrado/Big Timber (1924, USA). With William Desmond and Olive Hasbrouck.*

3. Vivir de Milagro/The March Hare (1921, USA). With Bebe Daniels and Grace Morse.*

4. Hombres en Bruto/Men in the Raw (1923, USA). With Jack Hoxie and Marguerite Clayton.

5. El Tributo del Mar/The Toll of the Sea (1922, USA). With Anna May Wong and Kenneth Harlan.

6. Enamorada del Amor/In Love with Love (1924, USA). With Marguerite de la Motte and Allan Forrest.

7. La Dama Pintada/The Painted Lady (1924, USA). With George O'Brien and Dorothy MacKaill.

8. La Marca de la Vanidad/Folly of Vanity (1924, USA). With Billie Dove and Jack Mulhall.

9. Con la Espada al Cinto/The Warrens of Virginia (1924, USA). With Martha Mansfield and Wilfred Lytell.*

10. Las Hijas de la Noche/Daughters of the Night (1924, USA). With Orville Caldwell and Alyce Mills.*

11. El Terco/The Deadwood Coach (1924, USA). With Tom Mix and Doris May.*

12. Nuestras Esposas/Every Man's Wife (1925, USA). With Dorothy Phillips and Herbert Rawlinson.

13. Idilio Accidentado/Reckless Romance (1924, USA). With Wanda Hawley and Jack Duffy.

14. Por Llevar la Contraria/The Arizona Romeo (1925, USA). With Buck Jones and Lucy Fox.

15. Wing Toy/Wing Toy (1921, USA). With Shirley Mason and Raymond McKee.*

16. El Rey del Lazo/The Circus Cowboy (1924, USA). With Charles Jones and Marian Nixon.*

17. Casado de Paso/Marriage in Transit (1925, USA). With Edmund Lowe and Carole Lombard.*

18. El Temerario/Super Speed (1925, USA). With Reed Howes and Mildred Harris.

19. Por Otra Mujer/For Another Woman (1924, USA) With Kenneth Harlan and Florence Billings.

20. El Expres de Media Noche/The Midnight Express (1924, USA). With Elaine Hammerstein and William Haines.

21. El Novio del Ultramar/Sin Cargo (1926, USA). With Shirley Mason and Robert Frazer.

22. Adelante, Malacara!/Oh, You Tony! (1924, USA). With Tom Mix and Claire Adams.

23. El Niño Prodigio/Percy (1925, USA). With Charles Ray and Louise Dresser.

24. Como Aquella Mujer/This Woman (1924, USA). With Ricardo Cortez and Irene Rich.

25. Un Cambio de Identidad/The Back Trail (1924, USA). With Jack Hoxie and Al Hoxie.

26. Maciste y Su Sobrino/Maciste e il Nipote D'America/Maciste's American Nephew (1924, Italy). With Bartolomé Pagano and Diomira Jacobini.

28. Creando un Hogar/The Passionate Adventure (1924, USA). With Alice Joyce and Clive Brook.

29. Oro y Plomo/Gold and the Girl (1925, USA). With Charles Jones and Bruce Gordon.

31. Al Borde del Desierto/The Desert Outlaw (1924, USA). With Charles Jones and Evelyn Brent.

32. De Vaquero a Millonario/Broadway or Bust (1924, USA). With Hoot Gibson and Ruth Dwyer.*

34. Las Cultas de una Desposada/Troubles of a Bride (1924, USA). With Mildred June and Robert Agnew.

35. Bandolero por Sport/The Best Bad Man (1925, USA). With Tom Mix and Clara Bow.

36. Los Siete Pecados Capitales/Hell's Four Hundred (1926, USA). With Harrison Ford and Margaret Livingston.

37. El Vaquero y la Condesa/The Cowboy and the Countess (1926, USA). With Charles Jones and Helena D'Algy.

39. Lobo de Monte/The Timber Wolf (1925, USA). With Charles Jones and Elinor Fair.

40. Ricardito Enamorado/The Fighting Demon (1925, USA). With Richard Talmadge and Lorraine Eason.

41. El Relámpago de Calgary/The Calgary Stampede (1925, USA). With Hoot Gibson and Virginia Brown Faire.

42. Rectitud y Valor/A Man Four Square (1926, USA). With Charles Jones and Marion Harlan.

43. La Mariposa Dorada/The Gilded Butterfly (1926, USA). With Alma Rubens and Bert Lytell.*

44. El Traje de Etiqueta/Skinner's Dress Suit (1926, USA). With Reginald Denny and Laura La Plante.

45. El Caballerizo de Arizona/Arizona Sweepstakes (1926, USA). With Hoot Gibson and Helen Lynch.*

46. La Luz del Cariño/Ladies to Board (1924, USA). With Tom Mix and Gertrude Olmstead.

47. Juramento de Soldado/Trooper O'Neil (1922, USA). With Charles Jones and Beatrice Burnham.

48. El Toro Bravo/The Wild Bull's Lair (1925, USA). With Fred Thompson and Catherine Bennett.

49. El Duende Negro/The Cavalier (1928, USA). With Richard Talmadge and Barbara Bedford.

52. Puños y Cascos/My Own Pal, (1926, USA). With Tom Mix and Olive Borden.*

53. El Nuevo Campeón/The New Champion (1925, USA). With William Fairbanks and Edith Roberts.

55. Un Hombre de Temple/Geared to Go (1924, USA). With Reed Howes and Carmelita Geraghty.

56. Defendiendo lo suyo/Bustin' Through (1925, USA). With Jack Hoxie and Helen Lynch.

59. La Mania de la Velocidad/The Speed Maniac (1919, USA). With Tom Mix and Eva Novak.

61. Rin Tin Tin y los Lobos/Clash of the Wolves (1925, USA). With Charles Farrell and June Marlowe.

64. El Secreto de la Radio/The Radio Detective (1925, USA). With Jack Dougherty and Margaret Quimby.* ***

65. Dos Buenos Camaradas/Big Pal (1925, USA). With William Russell, Mary Carr and Hayden Stevenson.

67. Labios Sellados/Sealed Lips (1925, USA). With Dorothy Revier and Cullen Landis.

68. Una Conquista por Celos/A Six Shootin' Romance (1926, USA). With Jack Hoxie and Olive Hasbrouck.

71. El As de Espadas/Ace of Spades (1925, USA). With William Desmond and Mary McAllister.* ***

72. Su Misterioso Amor/His Mystery Girl (1923, USA). With Herbert Rawlinson and Ruth Dwyer.

74. El Pacificador/The Gentle Cyclone (1926, USA). With Charles Jones, Rose Blossom, and Oliver Hardy.*

75. El Silencioso/Silent Sheldon (1925, USA). With Jack Perrin and Josephine Hill.

77. Llamas Devoradoras/The Still Alarm (1926, USA). With William Russell and Helene Chadwick.

81. Filibusteros de Hoy/Bashful Buccaneers (1925, USA). With Reed Howes and Dorothy Dwan.

83. El Misterio del Circo/Die Geheimnisse des Zirkus Barré (1920, Germany). With Harry Piel and Margot Thisset.

85. El Jinete Blanco/The White Rider (1920, USA). With Joe Moore and Eileen Sedgwick.

86. El Tímido/The Windjammer (1926, USA). With Billy Sullivan and Thelma Hill.

87. El Guapo del Rancho K/Reckless Courage (1925, USA). With Buddy Roosevelt and Helen Foster.

93. Ladrones de Ganado/Roaring Rider (1926, USA). With Wally Wales and Jean Arthur.

94. El Tren Desenfrenado/The Runaway Express (1926, USA). With Jack Dougherty and Blanche Mehaffey.

95. Lentejuelas/Spangles (1926, USA). With Pat O'Malley and Marian Nixon.

100. El Doctor Batallador/The Fighting Doctor (1926, USA). With Frank Merrill and Monty O’Grady.

102. La Mujer de Mi Marido/Poker Faces (1926, USA). With Laura La Plante and Edward Everett Horton.

105. El Valle Desierto/Desert Valley (1926, USA). With Charles Jones and Virginia Brown Faire.

107. Demasiado Aprisa/The Boaster (1926, USA). With Ashton Dearholt and Gloria Grey.

108. Las Joyas del Deseo/Jewels of Desire (1926, USA). With Priscilla Dean and John Bowers.

109. El Neurasténico/The Nervous Wreck (1926, USA). With Harrison Ford and Phyllis Haver.


Finding Silents

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