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Argumentos de Cine Popular

A total of 54 titles were published in this series.

Entries marked with:

* Denotes the USA silent film is still lost.
** Denotes a silent film short.
*** Denotes a silent film serial.

3. La Sombra/L'Ombra (1920, Italy). With Francesca Bertini and Ferruccio Biancini.

4. William Baluchet, Rey de los Detectives/William Baluchet, Roi des Détectives (1921, France). With Georges Mauloy and Yvonne Desvignes.

5. El Hombre León/The Lion Man (1919, USA). With Jack Perrin and Kathleen O'Connor.*/***

9. La Red del Dragón/The Dragon’s Net (1920, USA). With Marie Walcamp and Harlan Tucker.*/***

14. Mi Ultima Avenura/L'Essor (1921, France). With Suzanne Grandais, Berthe Jalabert and Maurice Escande.

15. Atleta Invencible/King of the Circus (1920, USA). With Eddie Polo and Corrine Porter.*

16. Las Huellas Perdidas/Vanishing Trails (1920, USA). With Franklyn Farnum and Mary Anderson.*

18. El Disco en Llamas/The Flaming Disc (1920, USA). With Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine.*/***

20. Los Mysterios de la Selva/Tarzan the Tiger (1929, USA). With Frank Merrill and Natalie Kingston.***

24. Defenderse o Morir/Do or Die (1921, USA). With Eddie Polo and Magda Lane.*/***


Finding Silents

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